Revolver Technologies, Inc.

Mobile Augmented Reality.

Revolver Features

Share cool stuff on floating cubes.

3D Browsing

Browse photos and content through the cube.


Messaging using cubes as profiles, which appear when messaged.

Media Player

Play media such as music, videos, and more in the floating media player.

Compatible with MR/AR

Mixed & Augmented reality.


Floating cubes allow you to multitask over any app.

Voice Commands

Control the cube and app via voice commands.

Interactive Multitasking

One of the key features of Revolver is the ability to take it with you everywhere, allowing you to maximize screen space and multitask with ease. Also, Revolver utilizes a 3D graphics rendering system to apply game mechanics to non-game activities, allowing users to engage more effectively with the app.

  • Customizable
  • Fun
  • Simple
  • Interactive

What is Revolver?

Revolver is a collection of floating widgets, including a customizable home cube and videoplayer. Add as many cubes as you'd like, and interact with cubes of your friends. The cubes can be customized with links to photos, music, apps, links, and more.

Revolver Demo Video

This video gives a quick overview of the app.


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